Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Christmas is almost here

It's that time of year again. My Tupperware business is BOOMING again as it does this time every year. I need more Consultants. I am actually trying to get people to signup with the $15 quik kit that ends on the 28th of Oct. No Luck! Heck sign of for just the discount if ya want. Everyone loves Tupperware especially at Christmas.


For more information

1 comment:

Daddy, Manf and Bean said...

hi K
stumbled onto your blog. reading your posts makes my heart go out to you and just want to say I too am a Sunday school teacher and find it my hearts joy to tell (and show) others about the love of Jesus Christ. Come on over to my blog...my wife's is also linked on the right column, along with some friends and interesting things to read and listen to that will feed your soul.
God bless.